
The cost savings that SteinCares generates for the region’s healthcare systems frees up funds for innovative medicines, expanding the range of therapies available to Latin Americans. Our long history educating physicians and regulators facilities and speeds market access for developers of these medicines.



SteinCares is the leading marketer of biosimilars and complex injectables in Latin America. We were the first company to file and market a biosimilar in the region, as a result of our long-standing partnership with Celltrion, the first 2nd generation biosimilars manufacturer worldwide to obtain approvals from both the FDA and EMA. In this category, we currently have partnerships with five pharmaceutical companies, covering 90% of approved medicines in the region.


Complex Generics

SteinCares licenses and commercializes simple to complex generics in Latin America. We work with a wide spectrum of drug categories, from therapies for common diseases to those for oncology, nephrology, infectiology, among others. We have deep knowledge of regulatory, reimbursement and tender processes in many countries.



Therapeutic Areas

SteinCares high-quality medicines portfolio consist of a broad range of products covering all major therapeutic areas










SteinCares is a leader in commercializing and distributing specialty healthcare products in Latin America, including innovative pharmaceuticals, biosimilars and complex generics.

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